Benders’ supplier Cementa best in world!


When it comes to environmental investment in cement production, Cementa is amongst the world’s elite. The company has been our supplier since we started-up in 1960. It has now been recognised as best in the world at replacing fossil fuels. We are proud to work so closely with a supplier that has such a strong environmental focus.

Concern for the environment pervades everything Benders does. Before implementation, we carefully weigh the environmental impact of our decisions. We have had an environmental certificate since 1999. We were also the first in Sweden to achieve environmental certification for a roof tile manufacturing operation.

Cementa is based in Slite, Sweden. At the annual international CemFuels conference in Dubai on the 16th of February, the company took first prize and was declared the world’s best cement factory as regards the use of alternatives to replace fossil fuels.

Fred Grönwall, Cementa’s production manager, was present in Dubai to receive the award that Cementa won in competition with all the world’s major cement producers.

“We are enormously proud about and pleased with this award,” Fred Grönwall, production manager, Cementa

The award citation highlighted Cementa’s work in increasing its percentage use of alternative fuels from 40 to 60 percent between 2012 and 2014. How it has actually gone about the process of implementing this initiative was also remarked on.

Per Ole Morken, manager of Cementa’s Slite factory, states that he sees the award as confirmation of work well done.

“We are world leading and are at the global forefront of replacing fossil fuels,” comments Per. “All our team is enormously motivated and engaged in the work that, with product quality being maintained, has managed to achieve so much in our important sustainability initiative.”

For further details, contact Fred Grönwall, production manager at Cementa in Slite – tel: +46 (0)498 28 10 24.

Cementa AB is one of Sweden’s largest construction material companies. It is part of the international HeidelbergCement group. This has over 51,000 employees in more than 40 countries. Cementa manufactures and markets cement. The company also supplies expertise in the use of cement-based products. As regards carbon dioxide emissions throughout the life cycles of cement products, Cementa champions a zero-vision (i.e. no emissions). This is founded on technical development, the increasing of efficiency in everyday operations and paying full regard to the life cycle perspective. Read more at

We congratulate Cementa on the award!