Benders donates SEK 100,000 to the UNHCR’s work in Ukraine
In response to Russia’s invasion, we have decided to support Ukraine. The Benders group has donated SEK 100,000 to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. This body is currently carrying out major humanitarian interventions in the area.
Benders grows further – Buys prefab specialist
Benders Byggsystem AB has recently signed an agreement to acquire a majority shareholding in Concrete Solutions Nordic AB (CSN) in Halmstad, a company specialising in prefabricated buildings for the energy sector.
Benders investing in sustainable rail travel – Umeå logistics centre
Construction materials producer Benders Sverige AB recently entered into an agreement with the municipality of Umeå for the acquisition of a large site. This is to be the object of a logistics investment. The goal is to use a train solution to replace long-haul lorry traffic to Norrland, thereby thoroughly strengthening market presence in this northern area.
Benders Byggsystem AB – Swedish Health Care Facilities Network Prize
We are incredibly proud that O-huset, a building for which Benders Byggsystem AB erected the frame, has won the Swedish Health Care Facilities Network Prize for 2021. O-huset is in the Karolinska University Hospital complex at Huddinge and frame erection took place between 2017 and 2018.
New MD of Benders Sverige AB
On 3 May, Mats Jakobsson starts as new MD of Benders Sverige AB. Ove Bender, the present MD, then becomes the CEO of the Benders’ companies, both inside and outside Sweden.
Benders, Leca and Weber form strategic collaboration
Benders, Leca and Weber are forming a strategic collaboration that combines Leca’s knowledge of producing Leca® pellets, Weber’s technical know-how in walled structures and Benders’ production and logistics capacities. Together, they are creating the right conditions for improved development, manufacture and distribution of Leca® blocks to the whole of Sweden’s construction industry. (Leca = light expanded clay aggregate.)
Benders, Skandia Elevator and A&T i Grästorp acquires Automations Teknik i Lidköping
Benders, Skandia Elevator and A&T i Grästorp AB have acquired Automations Teknik i Lidköping AB (AtLid). AtLid is a leading supplier of automation solutions in industry. The new owners look forward to continuing the development of AtLid's already strong offering.
Benders Byggsystem acquires design bureau in Lund
After several successful joint projects, Benders Byggsystem is acquiring Prekon i Syd AB, technical consultants and designers specialising in concrete prefabrications.
Benders Sverige AB acquires the landscaping, water and sewage operations of Starka Betongindustrier KB
As of 1 October 2020, Benders Sverige AB is to take over the paving stone, water and sewage-related businesses of Starka Betongindustrier KB. The takeover includes the two production units in Södra Sandby and Strängnäs. Both are to continue within Benders. Employees at these operations are also to be offered employment with Benders.
Benders delivers tunnel walls made using “climate-improved concrete”
As a contractor that supplies building frameworks, Benders puts constant effort into enhancing sustainability and developing and optimising the raw-material content of its products. One example of this is provided by the Stockholm Bypass project. Here, jointly with Cementa, Benders has developed a concept that reduces concrete-attributable carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent.