On track with Benders


Benders Sverige AB is continuing its environmental initiatives by investing in railway wagons. Eighteen wagons have been bought. The goal is to increase environment-friendly transport and thereby reduce carbon oxide emissions.

Although large parts of our production are already carried by boat, traditional lorries are still our main form of transport. They are currently responsible for the greatest negative impact that our products have on the environment.

Railways are the transport of the future! Trains will be used to bring materials into our production facilities. Via logistics centres built at specially selected places, they will also be used to carry finished products out to our customers. It will be possible to transport around 1,000 tonnes at a time. Using specially made containers, goods can be shipped in both open and covered wagons. Consequently, other producers will also be able to use this resource.

For further details, please contact Christer Hofling via +46 (0)512 787020 or christer.hofling@benders.se.