Benders’ Ideas Park


Knowing that you have chosen the right products is important. It also gives you a wonderful feeling. As our ambition has always been to satisfy customers, we have now built our Ideas Park. Here, you can let your senses guide your choice. The products are there for you to see and feel in a variety of finished landscaping features.

Benders’ Ideas Park is an innovation at our Edsvära facility. It is a place where you can gain inspiration for your next landscaping project. The Park presents most of our paving stone offerings and gives you a taste of how they could add to your garden. We show various patterns, combinations and ways in which paving stones can be laid. However, in the end, it is only your imagination that sets any limits to the look you can achieve for your garden or other landscaped area.

Edsvära was deliberately chosen as the site for our Ideas Park. It symbolises and echoes that it was here that everything started almost 50 years ago. This is where the piggery stood before, fifty years later, becoming an outdoor gallery for our paving stones. The Ideas park project started in the winter of 2006. Now, it is more or less complete.

Our Ideas Park is open to the general public and you are cordially invited to pay us a visit. We hope it will give you some idea of the “cool”, “different” and “highly practical” things you can in fact do with “just a few paving stones”.